Angular JS IMG

1) What is angular?
Angular is a TypeScript-based free and open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.  

2) Why is angular used?
Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) with its compelling features including templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling. 

 3) Tell Us the Difference Between Angular and Angularjs



Based on JavaScript

Based on TypeScript

Based on the MVC design pattern

Based on components, modules, and directives

No support for mobile app

Supports mobile

Can’t build SEO friendly applications

SEO friendly applications can be easily created

Dependency Injection tokens can only be strings. Also, only the injector is present.

DI Tokens can be of any type, for example,strings or class.
Angular follows a tree-hierarchy for injectors starting with
the root injector, and a nozzle for each component henceforth.

No support or backward compatibility

Backward compatibility can be done without issues. Also, there is a lot of support documentation for the same.

Uses $routeprovider.when() for routing

Routing is done using @RouteConfig[()]

Requires specific ng directive for each of property, event, and image

For event binding, () is used and for image or property binding [] is used

4) Mention Some of the Features of Angular

 important features are –

  • Component-based architecture – applications are written as a set of independent components.
  • Great support for complex animations without writing much code.
  • Because of the component router, Angular supports automatic code-splitting. Hence only the code required to render a particular view is loaded.
  • Cross-platform application development.
  • Template syntax for creating UI views.

5) What is the component in angular?
Components are the main building block for Angular applications. Each component consists of: An HTML template that declares what renders on the page. A Typescript class that defines behavior. A CSS selector that defines how the component is used in a template .

6) what is a module in angular?
Module in Angular refers to a place where you can group the components, directives, pipes, and services, which are related to the application. 

 7) What's the difference between an Angular component and a module?

Components control views (HTML). They also communicate with other components and services to bring functionality to your app. 

Modules consist of one or more components. They do not control any HTML. Your modules declare which components can be used by components belonging to other modules, which classes will be injected by the dependency injector, and which component gets bootstrapped. Modules allow you to manage your components to bring modularity to your app. 

8. How are observables different from promises?

The first difference is that an Observable is lazy whereas a Promise is eager.



Emits a single value

Emits multiple values over a period of time

Not Lazy

Lazy. An observable is not called until we subscribe to the observable

Cannot be cancelled

Can be cancelled by using the unsubscribe() method

Observable provides operations like map, forEach, filter, reduce, retry, retryWhen etc.

9) what is angular?

Angular is a TypeScript-based free and open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.  

10) What are directives in Angular?

A directive is a class in Angular that is declared with a @Directive decorator.
Every directive has its own behavior and can be imported into various components of an application

11) When to use a directive?

Consider an application, where multiple components need to have similar functionalities. The norm thing to do is by adding this functionality individually to every component but, this task is tedious to perform.

In such a situation, one can create a directive having the required functionality and then, import the directive to components that require this functionality.

12) Explain the concept of Dependency Injection?

Dependency injection is an application design pattern that is implemented by Angular.
It also forms one of the core concepts of Angular.

13) Differences Between Component and Directive?



To register component, Annotation used is @Component

@Directive is used to register a directive

The primary purpose of ingredients is to break the complex application into smaller, more manageable parts (components)

Purpose of the `directive is to create new custom components that are reusable

Each DOM element can have only one component

Any number of directives can be used in one DOM element

Component mandatorily requires @View decorator, template, or template URL to specify the view.

A directive has nothing to do with views

14)  What Is the Primary Language Used in Angular?

Angular is based on TypeScript and HTML. HTML is used for the template, and TypeScript (a superset of JavaScript) is used for components.

15) Differences Between One-Way Binding and Two-Way Binding

One-way binding

Two-way binding

The view doesn’t change or update automatically whenever there is a change in the data model. Custom code needs to be manually written to reflect changes.

UI or view is continuously updated automatically as the data model changes. The process is similar to the synchronization process.

16) What Are the Various Filters Supported by Angular?

Filter name



Convert string to uppercase


Convert string to lowercase


Convert date to the specified format


Convert the number to currency format


Format number into a string


Orders an array by specific expression


Limits array into the specified number of elements; string to specified number of characters


Format object to JSON string


A select a subset of items from the array

17) Differentiate Between Javascript Modules and Ngmodules

Difference between JS modules and NgModules –

JS modules


Bounds all the classes

Bounds only declarable classes

All the member classes are defined in a single file

The module’s classes are listed in the @NgModule.declarations list

Cant extend the entire application with services

The entire application can be extended with services using @NgModules.providers list to add providers

Can import or export any kind of classes

It can import or export only those declarable classes that it owns or imports from other modules.

18) what is ngIf and ngFor? Could You please Show me Small Example to Use Them? 

Just like if and for in other languages, ngIf and ngFor are used as control statements. Example –

Show this only if the Boolean "display" is true

Where the display is a boolean with the value true or false.

 ngFor is used to loop through and display elements of an array (set of data).
<tr *ngFor="let student of students; let i = index">

 <td>{{}}</td> </tr>

The second part (i=index) is optional and only needed if you want to display the index.

19) What Is the Digest Cycle? 
 Digest cycle is the process of monitoring watchlist to track the changes in the value of the watch variable. The digest cycle is implicitly triggered, but we can also trigger it manually using $apply() function.

20) What Is a Pipe? Write a Simple Code to Demonstrate.

Pipe (|) is used to transform input data into desired format.

For example,

Price is {{ price | currency }}

21)  Can You Create a Parameterized Pipe in the Above Example?

Answer: Yes,

Price is {{ price | currency : “USD$” : 0.00 }}

22)  Explain How You Can Chain Pipes 

Answer: We can add any number of filters using pipes -

Average is {{ average | uppercase | number}}

23)  Is It Possible to Create a Custom Pipe? How? 

Yes, we can create custom pipes. Pipe metadata @Pipe decorator can be imported from core Angular library Pipe is a class that is decorated with the above metadata (@Pipe({name: 'myCustomPipe'})) The next step is to define the transformation.

 For this, the pipe class should implement the method transform() of the PipeTransform class. Specify the pipe name in the main code

Size: {{number | myCustomPipe: 'Error'}}

24)  What Is the Purpose of an Async Pipe? 

Async pipe subscribes to a promise or an observable and returns the latest value. If a new value is emitted, the pipe marks the component that needs to be checked for any changes. observable|async.

25)Explain the Importance of HttpClient.

HttpClient is a simplified Http API for Angular applications. It gives better observable APIs, better error handling mechanisms, testability, request and response interception, typed request and response objects.

The HttpClientAPI rests on the XMLHttpRequest interface exposed by the browsers.

26)  How Does Angular Router Work?

Angular router interprets a browser URL as a command to navigate to a client-generated view. The router is bound to the links on a page.

This way Angular knows to navigate the application view to the required page when a user clicks on it.

27) How Is Metadata Represented in Angular?

Metadata is represented using decorators like class decorators, property decorators, method decorators, property decorators. Example, @Component, @NgModule etc.


29)  What Are Class Decorators in Angular?

 Class decorator contains the metadata of the suitable class type. It appears just before the class definition and declares the class to be of a certain type. Some class decorators are — @Component, @NgModule, @Pipe, @Directive, @Injectable.

30) What Is Package.json? Explain its Purpose

With json package, it becomes easy to manage the project dependencies. We can mention details like the version, language etc… in package.json.

For example, if typescript is used in our project, we can mention typescript and its version in package.json. Examples are metadata.json, tsconfig.json etc

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