Answer the following questions
1. Explain the term Data Abstraction in
2. What are the benefits of OOP?
3. Write short note on: Message
4. What are the Applications of OOP?
5. Enlist various Applications of
6. Explain the following terms:
(a) Object
(b) Class.
7. Write a C++ program of print
"Welcome to BCA-IV".
8. Compare C and C++.
9. List various features of C++.
10. State advantages and disadvantages
of C++.
11. Explain basic data types in C++.
12. What are manipulators used in C++?
Explain one in detail
13. Explain the term Reference Variable
in detail.
14. What is Operator? What are its
15. Explain Memory Management Operators
in brief.
16. Explain Scope Resolution Operator
with example.
17. Write a program to print year is
leap or not.
18. in C++, a variable can be declared
anywhere in the scope. What is the significance of this feature?
19. What do you mean by dynamic
initialization of a variable? Give an example.
20. What are the benefits of pass by
reference method of parameter passing?
21. What are default arguments? Write a
program to compute tax. A tax-compute function takes two arguments: amount and
tax percentage. Default tax percentage is 15% of income.
22. Write an inline function for
finding minimum of two members.
23. What is access specifier? Enlist
24. Write a program for processing
objects of the student class. Declare member functions such as show() as
read-only member functions. 7. Define a class to represent a bank account.
Include the following members:
Data members
(a) Name of the depositor
(b) Account number
(c) Type of account
(d) Balance amount in the account.
Member functions:
(a) To assign initial values
(b) To deposit an amount (bal-bal+amt)
(c) To withdraw an amount after
checking balance (bal-bal-amt)
(d) To display name and balance.
Write a main program to test the
25. Write a C++ program to display n
number of employees with information such employee number, employee name and
employee salary.
26. Explain different types of
Inheritance with example.
27. What is the scope of the
accessibility of variables in the protected section and in the private
section of a class?
28. When do we make a class Virtual?
29. Explain the rules for Overloading
30. Explain the usage of this
31. What are the C++ operators that can
be used for binary and unary applications?
32. Write a C++ program for a class
integer which contains an integer as a data member overload the operator to
find the factorial of an integral.
33. What is Polymorphism? What is the
difference between Compile Time and Runtime Polymorphism.
34. Explain the following function:
(i) read
(i) write
35. Differentiate between opening a
file with a Constructor function and opening a file with open() function.
36. Write a C++ program that reads a
text file and creates another file that is identical except that every sequence
of consecutive blank spaces is replaced by a single space.
37. What is a Function Template? Write
a function template for finding the largest number in a given array. The array
parameter must be of generic data types.
38. With the help of syntax and example
describe Class Template.
39. Write short note on:
1.Overloading a function template.
1. What is meant by OOP?
2. Encapsulation
3. Data abstraction
4. Polymorphism
5. Inheritance
6. Object
7. Classes
8. Inline function
9. Friend class
10. Function Template