601 Recent Trends in IT | 3 Marks Questions with Answer


Answer the following questions 

1. Problem Space?

Ans. : A 'problem space' is an abstract space. objects, including some impossible ones. Problem space encompasses all valid states that can be generated by the plication of any combination of operators on any combination of objects. Problem space may contain one or more solutions. A solution is a combination of rations and objects that achieve the goals.


2.       Ignorable Problem ?

Ans. : In theorem proving, solution steps can be ignored. In the theorem proving, we may later find that it is of no help. We can still proceed further since nothing is lost by this redundant step. This is an example of ignorable solutions steps..


3.       Recoverable Problem?

Ans. : In 8-Puzzle, solution steps can be undone. In the 8-Puzzle problem, tray and arrange it in specified order. While moving from the start state towards goal state, we may make some stupid move and consider theorem proving. We may proceed by first proving the lemma. But we may backtrack and undo the unwanted move. This only involves additional steps, and the solution steps are recoverable.

4.       Irrecoverable Problem?

Ans. : In the game of Chess, solution steps can't be undone. In the game of Chess, if a wrong move is made, it can neither be ignored nor be recovered. The thing to do is to make the best use of the current situation and proceed. This is an example of an irrecoverable solution steps.

5.       Local Maximum?

Ans. : 1. Local Maximum: It is a state which is better than its neighboring state however there exists a state which is better than it (Global Maximum). This state is better because here the value of the objective function is higher than its neighbors.

2. Global Maximum: It is the best possible state in the state space diagram. This is because in this state, the objective function has the highest value.

3. Plateau/flat local maximum: It is a flat region of state space where neighboring states have the  ame value. It first exam solution stat gradient sea The algorithm 

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Steepest Ascent

4. Ridge: It is a region which is higher than its neighbors but itself has a slope. It is a special kind of local maximum.

5. Current State: The region of state space diagram where we are currently present during the search.

6.       Heuristic search?

Ans. : These are the search techniques where additional information about the problem is provided in order to guide the search in a specific direction. When we need to solve hard problems, it often becomes necessary to compromise with requirements of mobility and systematicity. We need to construct a control structure that is no longer guaranteed to find the best answer but almost always find the good answer. To achieve that, we introduce the concept of Heuristic. A heuristic comprises of a technique that improves the efficiency of a search process by sacrificing claims of completeness.


7.       OLAP Cube?

Ans. : An OLAP Cube is a data structure that allows fast analysis of data according to the multiple Dimensions that define a business problem.  A multidimensional cube for reporting sales might be, for example, composed of 7 Dimensions: Salesperson, Sales Amount, Region, Product, Region, Month, Year.

8.       MOLAP ?

Ans. : The user is working and accessing data via mob devices.


9.       SOLAP?

Ans. : SOLAP combines the capabilities of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and OLAP into a single user interface. This allows for the quick and easy exploration of data stored in a spatial database.

10.     DOLAP?

Ans. : DOLAP stands for desktop analytical processing. In comparison to other OLAP applications, functionality is limited. It is less expensive.

11.     Linear reggration?

Ans. : Linear regression, the relationship between two variables is established using a linear equation to observe the data. The output is a straight line which has only line dependent variables.


12.     Spark SQL?

Ans. : Spark SQL is a component above Spark Core. It contains a new data abstraction called SchemaRDD.

- SchemaRDD provides support for structured and semi-structured data. It supports many sources of data including Hive tablets, Parquet, JSON.


13.     Spark Streaming?

Ans. Spark Streaming leverages Spark Core's fast scheduling capability to perform streaming analytics. It ingests data in mini-batches and performs RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets) transformations on those mini-batches of data.


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