603 Advance Java | Question Bank 2

Advance Java Img

Answer the following questions 

Two marks Questions 

  1. What is the use of cookies ? 
  2. List out methods in the ResultSet Interface.
  3. What is the use of Runnable interface ?
  4. What are the types of Servlet?
  5. Explain thread priority.
  6. Differentiate between Statement and PreparedStatement interface.
  7. What are the different types of servlets?
  8. What are the directives in JSP?
  9. What is hibernate?
  10. What is networking?
  11. What is JDBC?
  12. What is the difference between Servlet and JSP?
  13. What is ServletConfig ?
  14. What is the use of the getLocalHost()method ?
  15. What is the difference between sleep() and interrupt() method ?


Four marks Questions


  1. What are different types of JDBC Drivers ?
  2. Explain the life cycle of thread.
  3. Explain in detail directives in JSP.
  4. Explain inter thread communication with an example.
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Spring framework?
  6. Explain thread synchronization with suitable examples.
  7. Explain the life cycle of Servlet.
  8. Explain methods of ServerSocket class with syntax.
  9. What is the difference between execute( ), execute Query( ) and execute Update( ) ?
  10. Explain the life cycle of Thread.
  11. Explain JDBC process in detail.
  12. Explain JDBC architecture with suitable diagrams. 


Important Programs


  1. Write a program to display the 100,99,98,....,1 using thread.
  2. Write a JSP program to calculate the sum of the first and last digit of a given number. Display sum in Red Color with font size 18.
  3. Write a java program to display IPAddress and name of client machine.
  4. Write a JSP program to display the details of College (CollegeID, Coll_Name, Address) in tabular form on the browser.
  5. Write a java program for simple standalone chatting applications.
  6. Write a JSP program to check whether a given number is Perfect or not. (Use Include directive).
  7. Write a Java Program to delete details of students whose initial character of their name is ‘S’.
  8. Write a JSP script to validate a given EMail ID.
  9. Write a Java Program to display all the employee names whose initial character of a name is ‘A’.
  10. Write a java program to display name of currently executing Thread in multithreading.
  11. Write a JSP program to accept Name and Age of Voter and check whether he is eligible for voting or not.
  12. Write a java program to display each alphabet after 2 seconds between ‘a’ to ‘z’.
  13. Write a JDBC program to accept the details of students (rno, sname, per, class) and store it into the database. (Use Prepared Statement Interface).

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