Answer the
following questions
1. What is difference between
sleep() and interrupt() method ?
2. What is ThreadGroup class ?
3. What are the different types
of servlet ?
4. What is jdbc-api ?
5.What is use accept() method ?
6. What is introspection ?
7.What is ServletConfig ?
8. Which type of Exception will
be thrown by forName() method ?
9.What is use of
getLocalHost()method ?
10. What is use of
DriverManager class ?
11. What is jdbc-api ?
12.What is Servlet Config ?
13. What is accept() method in
networking ?
14. What is sleep() method ?
15. Give syntax of loading
Driver Manager.
16. Define Port.
17. What is yield() method ?
18. What is Stub and skeleton ?
19. What is Scriptlet tag ?
20. What is builder tool ?
21. Explain life cycle of
22. What is jar file ? How is
it created ?
23. Explain Synchronization
with an example.
24. Write a java program to
update the salary of given employee
and display updated details.
Assume emp (eno, ename, sal)
table is already created.
25. Write a socket program to
display date and time of server’s
machine on client machine.
26. Explain the components of
27. Write a java program
for bouncing ball.
28. Differentiate between
Statement and PreparedStatement.
30. Write a java program to
display all the alphabets from ‘A’
to ‘Z’ after every 3 seconds.
31. Explain life cycle of
32. Write a JSP program to
display all the prime numbers between
1 to n in red color.
33. What is bean ? Explain its
advantages in brief.
34. Explain JDBC process in
35. Write a java program for
drawing flag.
36. Write a socket program for
standalone chatting application.
Assume Client and Server are on
different machines.
37. Write a java program to
accept file name from a user, check
it is available on server
machine or not, if it is available then
display its contents on client
machine otherwise display the
message ‘‘File Not Found’’.
Assume Client and server are on
different machines.
38. Write servlet program to
display the details of employee on
browser in tabular format.
Assume emp(eno, ename, sal,
designation) table is already
39. Write a servlet program to
accept the details of student (rno,
sname, per, class) and store it
into the database. (Use Prepared
Statement Interface).
40. Explain difference between
Statements and Prepared Statement.
41. What is Thread ? Explain
different ways to implement thread
in program.
43. Write a JDBC Program to delete
the record of employee using
command line argument.
44. Write a multithreading
program in Java using Runnable interface
to draw temple flag on an
applet container
45. Explain various components
of JSP ?
46.What is JAR file ? Explain
steps to create it.
47.Explain Inter Thread
Communication in Multithreading.
48. Write a JDBC Program to
Insert the record into patient table
(use prepared Statement).
49.Write a JSP Program to
accept user and check whether it
is prime or not.
50. Explain different types of
servlet with an example.
51. Explain Socket and Server
52. What is Beans ? Explain its
advantages in brief.
53. Write a Multithreading
program in Java to display all the
alphabets from A to Z after 3
54. Explain JDBC Drivers with a
suitable diagram.
55. Write a Socket program in
Java to check whether given file
is present on server or not, If
it is present then display its
content on the server’s machine
otherwise display error message.
56.Write a Java program to
accept file name from user, check
if it is available on server
machine or not, if it is available
the display its contents on
client machine otherwise display
the message ‘‘File Not Found’’.
57. Write a JSP script to check
whether given mail ID is valid
or not. (Mail ID should contain
one @ symbol and at least
one Dot(.) symbol).
58. Write a Servlet program to
display the details of employee
in tabular format. Employee
table structure (eno, ename, sal,
59. What is hibernate?
60. What is the difference
between and session.persist() me