604 Android Programming | Question Bank

Android Programming Img

Answer the following questions 


1. What are the features of Android?

2. Expalin the Android stack diagrammatically. 

3. How to create an application in Android? Explain with example.

4. Explain SDK platform in deatil.

5. With the help of diagram describe Android architecture. 

6. Enlisr reasons for why use Android OS?

7. Write short note on: History of Android. S. What is SDK?

8. What is meant by AVD?

9. Write short note on: Android Emulator.

10.With the help of diagram describe activity life cycle. 

11.How to linking activities using intents? Explain with example.

12.Describe lifecycle of fragment diagrammatically.

13. How to calling built-in applications using intents? Explain using example

14. What is UI?

15. What is layout? Enlist Layout Managers

16. What is view?

18. What is Action bar?

19. Describe the following LayoutManagers with example 

(1) LinearLayout

(ii) TableLaout.

20. Explain the term utilizing action bar in detail. 

21. What is ScrollView? Explain with example.

22. With the help of diagram describe FrameLayout.

23. What is the TextView? 

24. With the help of example explain RadioButton

25. What is meant by button? Describe with example. 

26. What is the EditText?

27. Explain the AutoCompleteTextView in detail.

28. Write short note on: ProgressBar.

29. What is ToggleButton? How to create it? Explain with example

30. Describe the following terms:

(i) DatePicker

(ii) TimePicker.

31. What is TextView?

32. What is meant by ProgressBar? Describe With Example. 

33. What is ListView? How to use it in Android application? Explain with example

34. Explain ListFragment with example. 3. What is DialogFragment? Explain its uses.

35. With the help of example explain spinner. 

36. What is the gallery in Android?

37. What is GridView in Android?

38. What is ImageView in Android?

39. Write short note on: Creating the helper methods.

40. What is menu? Enlist its types.

41. Explain GridView Using adapter with the help of example. 

42. Explain ListView Using adapter with the help of example.

43. Explain Photo Gallery Using adapter with the help of example

44. What is SMS?

45. What is meant by SMS messaging?

46. What is Broadcast Receiver?

47. Explain Work Thread with example. 

48. Explain AsyncTask in detail.

49. Explain Broadcast Receiver with example. 

50. Explain life cycle of Services.

51. Explain Notification with example.

52. How to create database in SQLite? Explain with example.

53. What is meant by Google map?

54. How to create Google map?

55. What is marker? How to add markers in Google map. 

Define the terms.


1. Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding.

2. Monitoring a location in Google map.

3. Receiving SMS messages

4. Thread

5. Runnable

6. Asynctask

7. Bounded

8. Unbounded

9. SQLiteDatabase

10. SQLiteOpenHelper

11. Base Adapter

12. Array Adapter

13. Context Menu

14. Popup Menu

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