604 Dot NET Framework | Question Bank

Dot NET Framework

Answer the following questions 

Two marks Questions


What is the difference between Read( ) and ReadLine( ). 

How to declare a constant.

Define IDE.

State difference between Value type and Reference type. 

How to load pictures during runtime.

What is DataAdapter ?

What do you mean by an event in VB.Net ? Enlist any two Mouse Events.

What is a Data Adapter ?

Write a code to add 5 items in List Box Control.

Enlist any two methods of command objects.

What is CTS ?

Define CLR and enlist any two services provided by CLR.

What is the difference between Read() and Readkey() ?

What is the use of the Val() function? (h) Write any two properties of Data Grid. (i) Define IDE. (j) How to declare a constant ?

Explain the difference between ListBox and ComboBox.

What is MSIL ?

Explain any two Built-in Date functions.

What do you mean by MyBase class?

Explain OOP concepts.

What is data validation in VB.net.

Explain print preview dialog control in dialog box function.

Enlist various keyboard events in VB.net.

Explain any 4 properties of form.

Define delegates in VB.net.


Four marks Questions


What is the .Net framework ? Explain its Architecture ?

Explain overloading and overriding in VB.net.

Explain Message Box control with its various parameters.

Explain try, catch and finally block with examples.

Explain any two control structures with examples.

Explain inheritance and types of inheritance in VB.Net.

Explain constructor with example in VB.Net.

Explain an Interface in VB.Net with an example.

Explain the following controls : (1) Tree view (2) Progress Bar (3) ToolTip (4) LinkLabel

Explain interface with example.

Explain an architecture of ASP.NET.

Define Assembly and explain types of assembly.


Short Notes


Menus in VB.Net.

Data Adapter

Progress bar

CLR features


Data Types

Crystal Report


MessageBox( )

Keyboard and Mouse events in VB.net


Important Programs


Design GUI and write code for following in VB.net (ADO.Net) with wizard. – Accept employee details like Emp-No, Emp-Name, Emp-Address, Emp-date-of-joining, Save these details in the Employee table. 

Write an ASP.Net program that displays the names of some flowers in two columns. Bind a label to the RadioButtonList so that when the user selects an option from the list and clicks on a button, the label displays the flower selected by the user.

Write a program which uses a function to check whether a given number is perfect or Not, using console application. (e) Explain any four advantages of the VB.net framework.

Design GUI and write code for the following in VB.net : – Accept five names in ListBox. – Sort the items in the ListBox Alphabetically.

Write a VB.Net program to add two TextBoxes, two labels and one Button. Accept two numbers in TextBoxes and handle DivideByZeroException.

Design GUI and write a code for the following : • Add 5 numbers in ListBox1 using Input-Box. • Transfer perfect numbers from ListBox1 to ListBox2.

Design GUI and write code for the following : • Create car table (cname, price, modelname) • Insert the records • Delete the records of cars whose modelname is ‘aulto’ • Display appropriate message in MessageBox (Use MS-Access to createdb)

Write a C#.Net program to create a base class Department and derived classes Sales and Human Resource. Accept the details of both departments and display them in proper format.

Design GUI and write a code in VB.Net using RichTextBox : (1) Bold (2) Italic (3) Exit

Write a program in C# .Net to create a function for the sum of two numbers.

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