Principles of Management | VIVA / MCQ with Answer

Principles of Management

The Practice of Management written by 

A. Peter F Drucker

B. Terry

C. Louis Allan

D.Hendry Fayol



Management is what a manager does

A. Peter F Drucker

B. Terry

C. Louis Allan

D.Hendry Fayol

Answer: C


The first man who advocated the view that the management should and can be taught is

A. Harold Koontz

B. Terry

C. Louis Allan

D.Hendry Fayol

Answer: D


The first worker authority in management is

A. Mary Parkett

B. Lillian Gilbert

C. Whitehead

D. Elton Mayo

Answer: B


To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to compound, to co-ordinate and to control. This definition was given by

A. Peter F Drucker

B. Henry Fay

C. Louis Allan

D. Terry

Answer: B


Luther Gullik classifies the function of management as





Answer: C


Management is the art of getting things done through and with an informally organized

A. Harold Koon

B. Terry

C. Louis Allan

D.Hendry Fayol

Answer: A


The Era of Scientific Management is

A. 1880-1930

B. 1880-1931

C. 1880-1932

D. 1880-1933

Answer: A


Management is the art and science of decision making and leadership

A. Harold Koontz

B. Donald J Clough

C. Louis Allan

D. Terry

Answer: B


The most popular management thought of modern times is

A. Mary Parkett

B. Lillian Gilbert

C. Peter Drucker

D. Elton Mayo

Answer: A


Father of principles of management

A. Mary Parkett

B. Lillian Gilbert

C. Henry Fayol

D. Elton Mayo 

Answer: C


Pioneer of Human Relations is

A. Mary Parkett

B. Lillian Gilbert

C. Henry Fayol

D. Elton Mayo

Answer: D


Management and administration are

A. Same

B. different

C. partly same and partly different

D. same and different

Answer: C


Espirit de corps meanS

A. union is strength

B. Service is our motto

C. buyer beware

D. Product is our strength

Answer: A


Henry Fayol laid down

A. 12 principles

B. 14 techniques

C. 14 principles

D. 15 principles

Answer: C


FW Taylor is associated with

A. Scientific Management

B. Future management

C. Modern management

D. Principles of management

Answer: A


Function is regarded as the essence of management

A. Organizing

B. staffing

C. co-ordination

D. staffing

Answer: C


Henry Fayol was a French

A. Industrialist

B. Writer

C. Manager

D. Actor

Answer: A


Principles of Management was contributed by

A. Mary Parkett

B. Lillian Gilbert

C.Hendry Fayol

D. Elton Mayo

Answer: C


Control system of an organization has no influence over the

A. internal environment

B. external environment

C. customers

D. government

Answer: B


The chain of command from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization is

A. Unity of direction

B. Unity of command

C. Centralization

D. Scalar chains

Answer: D


General and Industrial Management was written by

A. Harold Koontz

B. Teery

C. Louis Allan

D.Hendry Fayol

Answer: D


Study of the movements of both the workers and the machine to eliminate wasteful movement is

A. fatigue study

B. time study

C. motion studies

D. work study

Answer: C


Henry Fayol concentrated on

A. top management

B. lower level management

C. middle level management

D. workers

Answer: A


Contingent plan to meet environmental pressures is

A. objective

B. strategies

C. polices

D. rules

Answer: B


Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior

A. Unity of direction

B. Unity of command

C. Centralization

D. Scalar chains

Answer: B


Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior

A. Unity of direction

B. Unity of command

C. Centralization

D. Scalar chains

Answer: B


A statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms for a definite period of time in the future is known as

A. objective

B. strategies

C. procedures

D. budgets

Answer: D


The principle seeks to ensure unity of action is

A. Unity of direction

B. Unity of command

C. Centralization

D. Scalar Chain

Answer: C


The harmonizing or synchronizing of individual efforts with the purpose of achieving group goals

A. Coordination

B. Control

C. Decision making

D. Delegation

Answer: A


An obligation to perform certain functions and achieve certain results

A. Responsibility

B. Decentralisation

C. centralisation

D. Delegation

Answer: A


Steps to be taken for selecting sales persons is an example of 

A. Rules

B. Procedures

C. Policy

D. Methods

Answer: B


Piece Rate System is contributed by

A. Harold Koontz

B. Taylor

C. Louis Allan

D.Hendry Fayol

Answer: B


An identified group of people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals is called an

A. organization

B. business

C. management

D. department

Answer: A


An identified group of people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals is called an

A. organization

B. business

C. management

D. department

Answer: A


Allotment of work to each worker on the basis of the capacity of an average worker functioning in the normal working condition is

A. social task planning

B. scientific task planning

C. not a plan

D. scientific organizing

Answer: B


A system of co-operative activities of two or more persons is called

A. department

B. co-ordination

C. organization

D. control

Answer: C


A study relating to the fixing of the working hours with rest periods to recover the energy while performing in the job is called.

A. fatigue study

B. time study

C. motion studies

D. work study

Answer: A


Formal authority flows from upwards to downwards

A. formal organization

B. informal organization

C. business or organization

D. strategic organization

Answer: A


The first and foremost function of management is

A. planning

B. organizing

C. controlling

D. co-ordination

Answer: A


The first and foremost function of management is

A. planning

B. organizing

C. controlling

D. co-ordination

Answer: A


Which organizational relationship gives a greater job satisfaction and results in maximum production

A. formal organization

B. informal organization

C. business or organization

D. strategic organization

Answer: B


Long term planning is

A. 1 month

B. 1 year

C. 2 to 5 years

D. 5 to 15 years

Answer: D


The selection of best alternative from many alternatives is known as

A. selection

B. decision-making

C. organizing

D. budgeting

Answer: B


Medium term planning is

A. 6 months

B. 1 year

C. 2 to 5 years

D. 5 to 15 years

Answer: C


Placing purchase order is an example of

A. programmed decision

B. non-programmed decision

C. major decision

D. decision

Answer: A


Short term planning is

A. 6 months

B. 1 year

C. 2 to 5 years

D. 5 to 15 years

Answer: B


The decision deals with novel and non-repetitive problems

A. programmed decision

B. non-programmed decision

C. individual decision

D. non-economic decision

Answer: B


Planning lays down the overall objective, strategies and policies for the total enterprise

A. corporate planning

B. divisions planning

C. unit planning

D. departmental planning

Answer: A


The decision which has long term impact on business is

A. programmed decision

B. non-programmed decision

C. individual decision

D. non-economic decision

Answer: B


The planning focus is specific functional areas of business

A. corporate planning

B. divisions planning

C. unit planning

D. departmental planning

Answer: B


The decision which relates to day-to-day operation of an organization is known as

A. major decision

B. organizational decision

C. personal decision

D. operative decision

Answer: D


Planning focus on day-to-day actions of work units is

A. corporate planning

B. divisions planning

C. unit planning

D. departmental planning

Answer: C


The decision which does not incur any expenses is known as

A. economic decision

B. crisis decision

C. non-economic decision

D. problem decision

Answer: C


Strategic planning is

A. Long term planning

B. medium term planning

C. short term planning

D. annual planning

Answer: A


The decision which is implemented within the concerned department is known as

A. economic decision

B. departmental decision

C. non-economic decision

D. problem decision

Answer: B


Strategic planning is done at

A. High levels of management

B. lower level of management

C. subordinates

D. workers

Answer: A


Operational planning is done at

A. High levels of management

B. lower level of management

C. subordinates

D. workers

Answer: B


Crisis decision is also known as

A. group decision

B. major decision

C. minor decision

D. spot decision

Answer: D


Operational planning is

A. Short term planning

B. medium term planning

C. Long term planning

D. annual planning

Answer: A


A decision taken to meet unexpected situations is known as

A. economic decision

B. crisis decision

C. non-economic decision

D. problem decision

Answer: B


The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are known as

A. planning premises

B. freehold premises

C. business premises

D. corporate premises

Answer: A


The authority flows from top to bottom through the structure of an organization

A. The acceptance of authority theory

B. The formal authority theory

C. The competence theory

D. The organization theory

Answer: B


Goals, aims, purposes, missions and targets are also known as

A. strategies

B. policies

C. rules

D. objectives

Answer: D


Contingent plan to meet environmental pressure is

A. objective

B. strategies

C. policies

D. rules

Answer: B


If the subordinates do not accept the command of their superior, then the superior cannot be said to have any authority over them.

A. The acceptance of authority theory

B. The formal authority theory

C. The competence theory

D. The organization theory

Answer: A


A chronological sequence of steps to be undertaken to enforce a policy and to attain an objective is known as

A. objectives

B. strategies

C. procedures

D. rules

Answer: C


The type of authority is invested with the persons by virtue of the office held by them

A. The acceptance of authority theory

B. The formal authority theory

C. The competence theory

D. The organization theory

Answer: C


The process of establishing a time sequence for the work is known as

A. objective

B. schedules

C. procedures

D. budgets

Answer: B


The process of establishing a time sequence for the work is known as

A. objective

B. schedules

C. procedures

D. budgets

Answer: B


The process whereby a manager shares his work and authority with his subordinates is

A. Decentralization

B. Responsibility

C. Delegation

D. decision making

Answer: C


A Rigid plan, no scope for discretion

A. schedules

B. rule

C. procedures

D. budgets

Answer: B


The subordinate is granted authority to perform all the functions in his department or division

A. general delegation

B. formal delegation

C. specific delegation

D. informal delegation

Answer: A


In management process, the most misinterpreted word is

A. Organizing

B. Delegating

C. Controlling

D. Planning

Answer: A


The departmentS that an event management company will have is

A. Creative

B. Production

C. Client servicing

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Who said, Management is a multiple purpose organ that manages a business, manages a manager and manages workers and work

A. Harold Konntz

B. Peter Drucker

C. Kenneth O'Donnell

D. Anonymous

Answer: B


Under mechanism of scientific management, scientific task setting includes

A. Time study

B. Motion study

C. Method study

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Management as a discipline is the function of

A. Science

B. Art

C. Creativity

D. All of the above

Answer: C


Which theory assumes that people are naturally lazy and will avoid work and responsibilities if possible

A. Theory X

B. Theory Y

C. Theory Z

D. None of the above

Answer: A


Who is the person you have to give importance under the company's checklist before making call to the consultant

A. Managers

B. Employees

C. Customer

D. All of the above

Answer: B


What is one of the most significant inhibitors in customer preference while purchasing perishable items in retail

A. Proximity of markets

B. Customer preference to brands

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Answer: A


The objectives in corporate governance are

A. Growth

B. Stability

C. Shareholders value maximization

D. All of the above

Answer: D


The word---- denotes a function, a task, a discipline

A. Management

B. Leadership

C. Motivation

D. None of the above

Answer: A


The concept of SBU includes

A. Unrelated products and businesses that are separated

B. The fact that each SBU has its own CEO

C. A scientific method of grouping the business

D. All of the above

Answer: D


The factors coming under philosophy of scientific management are

A. Co-operation

B. Maximum output

C. Harmony

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Advantage of delegation of authority results in prompt

A. Understanding

B. Decision making

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Answer: B


Costliness of the ________ is the overriding factor determining the extent of decentralization

A. Decision

B. Staffing

C. Controlling

D. Managing

Answer: A


Which law states that you get what you deserve and not what you desire

A. Law of destiny

B. Law of Karma

C. Law of vision

D. Law of peace

Answer: A


Positive motivation makes people willing to do their work in the best way they can and improve their

A. Skills

B. Performance

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Answer: B


Which is a tool for corporate governance

A. Management

B. Communication

C. Coordination

D. All of the above

Answer: B


Who is the father of the three-needs theory

A. Vroom

B. McClelland

C. Peter Drucker

D. None of the above

Answer: B


The non-financial type of motivators would be

A. Encouragement

B. Freedom

C. Recognition

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Learning organizations are adaptive to their________environment

A. Internal

B. External

C. Work

D. None of the above

Answer: B


Includes Fredrick Winslow Taylor's Mechanism of Scientific Management

A. Scientific task setting

B. Planning the task

C. Standardization of tools and equipments

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Under the principles of effective ______ it is said that never delegate and disappear

A. Delegation

B. Management

C. Organization

D. Centralisation

Answer: A


The higher the ________ level of the employee, the lower the job satisfaction

A. Managerial

B. Educational

C. Satisfaction

D. None of the above

Answer: B

What is the result of human limitation to the span of management

A. Delegation

B. Satisfaction

C. Motivation

D. Development

Answer: A


The different A's of the service sector are

A. Acceptability, Awareness, Answerability

B. Acceptability, Awareness, Availability

C. Administration, Awareness, Availability

D. Acceptability, Acknowledgment, Availability

Answer: B


The external factors that limit control are

A. Govt. policies

B. Market changes

C. Economic changes

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Communication barriers in the international environment is

A. Loss by transmission

B. Loss by poor retention

C. Poor listening

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Management is a creative and________process

A. Systematic

B. Continuous

C. Long

D. None of the above

Answer: B


The old control technique(s) which were used through years is

A. Unity of policies

B. Break-even analysis

C. Budgetary control

D. All of the above

Answer: D


What does a mission statement specify that the organization will achieve

A. Goals

B. Profit

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Answer: A

The process of influencing people is

A. Motivation

B. Leadership

C. Delegation

D. Controlling

Answer: B


The following are the elements of control

A. Authority and knowledge

B. Guidance and direction

C. Constraint and restraint

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Which type of strategies do professional managers help organizations in chalking out

A. Corporate

B. Multi-disciplinary

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Answer: A


The limitation of control is

A. External factors

B. Fixing of responsibility

C. Internal factors

D. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: D


MBO was invented by

A. Peter Drucker

B. Koontz & O'Donnell

C. Henry Fayol

D. None of the above

Answer: A


The relationship for selecting the span of control would be

A. One to one

B. Cross relationship

C. Direct group

D. All of the above

Answer: D


Management is said to be the combination of three factors, arts, science and the third is

A. Profession

B. Authority

C. Communication

D. None of the above

Answer: A


One of the popular forecast is

A. Technological

B. Economic

C. Demand

D. None of the above

Answer: C


Events are occurrences designed for ________ interests

A. Marketing

B. Customer

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. Company

Answer: A


The limitation of business planning is

A. Time Consuming

B. Expensive device

C. Heavy cost of planning

D. All of the above

Answer: D


The philosophy of management known as total quality management developed primarily out of the work of

A. Henri Fayol

B. Frederick Taylor

C. Robert McNamara

DW Edwards Deming

Answer: D


Possibly the most important pre-20th century influence on management was

A. Therbligs

B. The industrial revolution

C. Scientific management

D. The division of labor

Answer: B


The need involves the desire to affiliate with and be accepted by others

A. Esteem

B. Belongingness

C. Safety

D. Self Actualization

Answer: B


Needs that impel creativity and innovation, along with the desire to have a productive impact on our surroundings are ___________ needs

A. Existence

B. Relatedness

C. Growth

D. None of the above

Answer: C


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