205 Web Technology HTML-JS-CSS | Question Bank with Answer


Answer the following questions 

1. What is Internet?

Ans : 

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public academic, business, and government networks. 

2. Define Internet protocol. 

Ans :

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol, or set of rules, for routing and addressing packets of data so that they can travel across networks and arrive at the correct destination. Data traversing the Internet is divided into smaller pieces, called packets. IP information is attached to each packet, and this information helps routers to send packets to the right place. Every device or domain that connects to the Internet is assigned an IP address, and as packets are directed to the IP address attached to them, data arrives where it is needed

3. What is WWW?

Ans :

The World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW and commonly known as the Web,

is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web

browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other

multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

4. Write the format of HTTP request message

Ans :

An HTTP request message consists of a start

line followed by a message header and optionally a message body. The start line always

consists of printable ASCII characters, and the header normally does as well. What’s more,

the HTTP response (or at least most of it) is often also a stream of printable characters.

5. Write the format of HTTP response message.

Ans :

an HTTP response message consists of a status line, header fields,

and the body of the response, in the following format:

Status line

Header field(s) (one or more)

Blank line

Message body (optional)

6. Define web client.

Ans :

A web client is software that accesses a web server by sending an HTTP request message and processing the resulting HTTP response. Web browsers running on desktop or laptop computers are the most common form of web client software, but there are many other forms of client software, including text-only browsers, browsers running on cell phones, and browsers that speak a page (over the phone, for example) rather than displaying the page.

7. Define web server in computer networking.

Ans :

To view and browse pages on the Web, all you need is a web browser. To publish pages on the Web, you need a web server. A web server is the program that runs on a computer and is responsible for replying to web browser requests for files. You need a web server to publish documents on the Web. When you use a browser to request a page on a website, that browser makes a web connection to a server using the HTTP protocol.

The browser then formats the information it got from the server. Server accepts the connection, sends the contents of the requested files and then closes. 

8. What is FTP?

Ans :

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol for transmitting files between computers over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) connections. Within the TCP/IP suite, FTP is considered an application layer protocol.

9. What is HTTP?

Ans :

The primary TCP-based protocol used for communication between web servers and browsers is called the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)

10. Explain the characteristics of effective web design.

11. Write a short note on Page Layout and Linking.

12. Define website planning. Explain the steps for Planning publishing a website

Ans : 

Planning for designing web pages:

Breaking Up Your Content into Main Topics

With your goals in mind, try to organize your content into main topics or sections, chunking related information together under a single topic.

Ideas for Organization and Navigation

At this point, you should have a good idea of what you want to talk about as well as a list of topics. The next step is to actually start structuring the information you have into a set of web pages. Before you do that, however, consider some standard structures that have been used in other help systems and online tools. This section describes some of these structures, their various features, some important considerations, including the following

Model and Structure of a Web site:

You need to know what the following terms mean and how they apply to the body of work you're developing for the Web:

Website: A collection of one or more web pages linked together in a meaningful way that, as a whole, describes a body of information or creates an overall effect.

Web server: A computer on the Internet or an intranet that delivers Web pages and other files in response to browser requests.

Web page: A single document on a website, usually consisting of an HTML document and any items that are displayed within that document such as inline images.

Home page: The entry page for a website, which can link to additional pages on the same website or pages on other sites.

Developing websites: Designing a website, like designing a book outline, a building plan, or a painting, can sometimes be a complex and involved process. Having a plan before you begin can help you keep the details straight and help you develop the finished product with fewer false starts. Today, you learned how to put together a simple plan and structure for creating a

set of web pages, including the following:

• Deciding what sort of content to present

• Coming up with a set of goals for that content

• Deciding on a set of topics

• Organizing and storyboarding the website

13. Explain HTML.

Ans : HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. The idea here is that most documents have common elements for example, titles, paragraphs, and lists. Before you start writing, therefore, you can identify and define the set of elements in that document and give them appropriate names. 

14. Explain following tags with attributes:


Ans :

After you have your basic frameset laid out, you need to associate an HTML document

with each frame by using the <frame> tag, which takes the following form:

<frame src="document URL">

For each frame defined in the <frameset> tag, you must include a corresponding <frame>

tag, as shown in the following:




<title>The FRAME Tag</title>


<frameset rows="*,*,*">

<frame src="document1.html" />

<frame src="document2.html" />

<frame src="document3.html" />




Ans :

To accept input from a user, you must wrap all of your input fields inside a <form> tag.

The purpose of the <form> tag is to indicate where and how the user's input should be

sent. First, let's look at how the <form> tag affects page layout. Forms are block-level



<p>Please enter your username <form><input /> and password <input /></form> to log


The two most commonly used attributes of the <form> tag are action and method. Both of

these attributes are optional. The following example shows how the <form> tag is

typically used:

<form action="someaction" method="get or post">

content, form controls, and other HTML elements


action specifies the URL to which the form is submitted. Again, remember that for the

form to be submitted successfully, the script must be in the exact location you specify and

must work properly.


Ans :

The to create a table in HTML, you use <table>...</table> element to enclose the code

for an optional caption, and then add the contents of the table itself:


...table caption (optional) and contents...


Rows and Cells

The cells within each row are created using one of two elements:

• <th>...</th> elements are used for heading cells. Generally, browsers center the contents

of a <th> cell and render any text in the cell in boldface.

• <td>...</td> elements are used for data cells. TD stands for table data. 


To create a link in an HTML page, you use the HTML link tag <a>...</a>. The <a> tag

often is called an anchor tag because it also can be used to create anchors for links.


Go back to <a href="menu.html">

Main Menu</a>

15. What are Cascading Style Sheets?

Ans :

Style can be delivered to a document by a variety of methods. The method with which style is connected with a document is referred to as integration . There are a variety of ways to integrate style, and how you decide to integrate style will depend largely upon what you are trying to accomplish with a specific document or number of documents.

16. What is External Style Sheet? How to link"

Ans :

External Style Sheets:

An external style sheet contains as many style rules as you like and helps to provide a most powerful means for you to create master styles that you can apply to one page or one billion pages.

An external style sheet is exactly that—all of the style is placed in an external file. You can link to the style sheet from any document you wish, using the link element in the head portion of those documents with which you’d like to integrate the style.

The external style document is a text document that you can write in any editor or tool that allows you to save a document as text. To create a linked style sheet, follow these


1. Open your text or HTML editor of choice.

2. Enter the style rule or rules you’d like.

h1 {

font: Arial;


3. Select File, Save and save your file with the name of h1style and a .css extension


16. What are the selectors in CSS?

17. Design a CSS which sets the space between lines.

18. Demonstrates how to use the shorthand property for setting all of the font properties one declaration.

19. Demonstrates all the different list-items in CSS.

20. Write a short note on CSS2 and CSS3.

21. List HTML form elements.

22. Give any two image mapping tags with example.

23. List any four tags used in HTML.

24. Define <a> tag

25. Define baste structure of HTML

26. Explain HTML table tags with example

27. Explain frameset tags with example.

28. Image mapping with example.

29. What is JavaScript? Explain the features of JavaScript.

30. What do you mean by DOM?

31. Write JavaScript program for sorting the entered string. 

32. Write a JavaScript to design a simple calculator.

33. Write a JavaScript to compare two strings and display alert message if two strings are equal.

34. Write a JavaScript to display first 10 Fibonacci numbers.

Ans :

var fibonacci_series = function (n) 


  if (n===1) 


    return [0, 1];




    var s = fibonacci_series(n - 1);

    s.push(s[s.length - 1] + s[s.length - 2]);

    return s;





35. Design a login page. If the user id and password is correct then display appropriate message.

36. Create a web page, which accept user information on the web site. Design the web page using form element and check if all the text fields have being entered with data che display an alert.


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