Practical Slip 1 - 2019 Pattern


A) Write a C++ program to check maximum and minimum of two integer numbers. (Use Inline function and Conditional operator)   [15 M]

Operator   Example         Purpose

+               F3=F1+F2     Concatenate the contents of file F1 and F2 in F3.

!                !F3                 Changesthe case of alternate characters of file F3.  [25 M]


A) Write a PHP script to create a simple calculator that can accept two numbers and perform operations like add, subtract, multiplication. (Use the concept of Class) [15 M]

B) Write a PHP script to create student.xml file which contains studentroll no, name, address, college and course. Print students detail of specific course in tabular format after accepting course as input. [25 M]

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