Practical Slip 23 - 2019 Pattern

 Advanced Java:

Q1) Write a Java Program to display the details of College(CID, CName, address, Year) on JTable.

Q2) Write a SERVLET application to accept username and password, search them into database, if found then display appropriate message on the browser otherwise display error message.


Q3) Write an Android Program to Demonstrate Date Picker Dialog in Android on
click of Edit Text

Q4) Create an Android Application that Demonstrate Custom ListView which shows
the BookName and Author Name

                      Dot Net Framework:

Q5) Write a program in C# to create a function to display the n terms of Fibonacci

Q6) Create the application in ASP.Net that accepts name, password ,age , email id, and user id. All the information entry is compulsory. Password should be reconfirmed. Age should be within 21 to 30. Email id should be valid. User id should have at least a capital letter and digit as well as length should be between 7 and 20 characters.

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