Practical Slip 24 - 2019 Pattern

 Advanced Java:

Q1) Create a JSP page to accept a number from a user and display it in words: Example: 123 – One Two Three. The output should be in red color.

Q2)  Write a menu driven program in Java for the following: Assume Emp table with attributes ( ENo, EName, salary, Desg ) is already created. 
1. Insert 
2. Update 
3. Delete 
4. Search 
5. Display 
6. Exit.


Q3) Create an Android Application that Demonstrate Switch and Toggle Button.

Q4) Create table Company (id, name, address, phno). Create Application for Performing the following operation on the table. 
a. Insert New Company Details. 
b. Show All the Company Details.

                      Dot Net Framework:

Q5) Write a program in C#.Net to create a function to check whether a number is prime or not.

Q6) Write a VB.NET program to create Author table (aid, aname, book_ name). Insert the records (Max 5). Delete a record of author who has written “VB.NET book” and display remaining records on the data grid view. (Use MS Access to create db.)

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