SQL>create table lab(labno int primary key,labname varchar(11),capacity int,equipment varchar(20));
SQL>insert into lab values(1,’computer’,100,’scope’);
SQL>create table student10(rollno int primary key,sname varchar(20),class varchar(20),timetable varchar(20),labno int);
SQL>insert into student10 values(102,'raj','sy','monday',2);
1)Write a function which will accept Lab number from user and display total number of student allocated in that lab.
set serveroutput on
create or replace function f2(abc in varchar) return number as xyz number;
select count(student10.rollno) into xyz from student10,lab where lab.labno=student10.labno and lab.labno=1;
if sql %found then
return (xyz);
return null;
end if;
end f2;
dbms_output.put_line ('no of student'||f2(‘1’));
2)Write a cursor which will display lab wise student details.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
2 cursor c1 is select labname , sname , class from lab, student10 where lab.labno=student10.labno order by labname ;
3 c c1%rowtype;
4 begin
5 open c1;
6 loop
7 fetch c1 into c;
8 exit when c1%notfound;
9 dbms_output.put_line(c. labname ||''||c. sname ||''||c. class);
10 end loop;
11 close c1;
12 end;
13 /