Slip 15 - A) Write PHP program to select list of subjects from list box and displays the selected subject information on next page. (Use sticky Multivalued parameter).



<title>List of Subject</title>


<form method=get action="">

Select Subject :<br>

<input type=checkbox name=c1[] value=c <?php if(in_array('c',$_GET['c1'])) echo "checked";?>>C<br>

<input type=checkbox name=c1[] value=c++ <?php if(in_array('c++',$_GET['c1'])) echo "checked";?>>C++<br>

<input type=checkbox name=c1[] value=java <?php if(in_array('java',$_GET['c1'])) echo "checked";?>>JAVA<br>

<input type=checkbox name=c1[] value=php <?php if(in_array('php',$_GET['c1'])) echo "checked";?>>PHP<br>

<input type=checkbox name=c1[] value="data structure" <?php if(in_array('ds',$_GET['c1'])) echo "checked";?>>DATA STRUCTURE<br>

<input type=submit name=s value=Submit><br>







$sub=join('  ',$_GET['c1']);

echo "You Selected: <br>$sub<br>";



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