Slip 29 - B) Create HTML page with following specifications i) Title should be about your City. ii) Color the background by Pink color. iii) Place your city name at the top of page in large text and in blue color. iv) Add names of the landmarks in your city, each in different color, style and font v) Add scrolling text about your City. vi) Add any image at the bottom. (Use Internal CSS to format the web page)


<body style="background-color:pink;">
<h1 style="text-align: center ; Color: blue;"> My City name: Pune </h1>
<h1 style="font-size=30; color: powderblue; "> ::Pune city Landmarks:: </h1>
<ul >
<li style="color : blue; font-size=20; font-family:verdana;">National Defence Academy</li>
<li style="color : red; font-size=21; font-family:arial;">Dagadusheth Halwai Ganapati Temple</li>
<li style="color : green ;font-size=19; font-family:courier;">ISKCON NVCC
<li style="color : yellow; font-size=22; font-family:Calibri;">Pune University</li>
<div style="background-color: lightblue;width: 210px; height: 210px; overflow: scroll;">
Pune, also called ‘Poona’, is situated in the state of Maharashtra, India.
It is also known as the ‘Queen of the Deccan’ and attained its high importance when it became the capital
of Bhonsle Marathas in the 17th century.
<img style="border: 1px solid red; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5px; width: 150px;" src="puneimage.jpg"></img>

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