Slip 5 - A) Considerthe following C++ class class Point { int x.y; public: void setpoint(int, int); // To set the values of x and y co-ordinate. void showpoint(); /| To display co-ordinate of a point P in format(x, y). }


using namespace std;

class Point {
    int x, y;

        void setpoint(int a, int b) {
            x = a;
            y = b;

        void showpoint() {
            cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")";

int main() {
    int a, b;
    Point p;

    cout << "Enter coordinates" << endl;
    cout << "Enter x: ";
    cin >> a;
    cout << "Enter y: ";
    cin >> b;

    p.setpoint(a, b);

    return 0;

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