Slip 6 - A) Write a C++ program to create two Classes Square and Rectangle. Compare area of both the shapes using friend function. Accept appropriate data members for both the classes.


using namespace std;

class Square {
        int s;

        void getdata() {
            cout << "Enter the side of the square: ";
            cin >> s;

        int calArea() {
            return (s*s);

        friend void compare(int s, int r);

class Rectangle {
        int l, w;

        void getdata() {
            cout << "Enter the length of the rectangle: ";
            cin >> l;
            cout << "Enter the width of the rectangle: ";
            cin >> w;

        int calArea() {
            return (l*w);

        friend void compare(int s, int r);

void compare(int s, int r) {
    if(s > r) {
        cout << "The area of square is bigger than area of rectangle." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "The area of rectangle is bigger than area of square." << endl;

int main() {
    int s_area, r_area;
    Square s1;
    Rectangle r1;

    s_area = s1.calArea();

    r_area = r1.calArea();

    cout << "Square: " << s_area << endl;
    cout << "Rectangle: " << r_area << endl;

    compare(s_area, r_area);

    return 0;

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